Lego Movie


to understand the narrative  and characters in the lego movie 


batman / DC



lord of the rings 


1. the main character is emmet and hes on his journey to figure out if hes "the special one" while the villian trys to take over the world

2. the main message off the film is teamwork, creativity, to believe in yourself and everyone is special in their own way 

3. Will Arnet - batman, Chris pratt - Emmet, Will Ferrel - Lord Business, Lucy - Elizabeth Banks

Industry research

LO: to research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry

1) production = when the shoot begins

distribution = giving or delivering them to a number of people or places.

exhibition = an exhibiting, showing, or presenting to view. a public display, as of the work of artists or artisans, the products of farms or factories, the skills of performers, or objects of general interest.

2) The media conglomerate that owns the most media companies is National Amusements. Within its organization are Viacom, CBS, Nickelodeon, and other outlets. Closely following are Disney and Comcast, which also own many media outlets.

3) The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). The BBFC is responsible for classifying films that have a cinema and DVD release.

4) PG

5) the video council standards 

6) 4 and older 

7) warner animation groups

8) Phil Lord and Chris Miller

9) Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

10) Warner Bros 

11) The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)



1. Classify products

2. ensure content of products meets acceptable standards

1. THE LEGO MOVIE is an animated children's film about an ordinary construction worker who must join forces with the Lego Master Builders to save his world from the evil plans of President Business.

2. because theres fighting and it has non realistic violence 

1. why is it important for film regulations to exist:

a film is to protect children and vulnerable adults

2. people might be against regulation because people could be mature enough to watch an 18+

The Lego Movie:

Narrative Theory

1. it is a mixture of a comedy, action and fantasy

2. it intimidates the matrix 

3 hyper reality 

equilibrim - emmet wakes up and makes coffee 

distribution - something happens to distrupt normal life 

recognition of distruption  - goes to lord business and asks what is wrong

attempt to solve distruption - gets rid of bad guys powers

29th september 2022

The hero is emmet

The villain is president business

The Donor is fin

The Helper is wildstyle

The princess is wildstyle

The Dispatcher wildstyle

The Princess Father is the virtuis

The false hero is wildstyle 

Vertical integration

1. it helps increase profits because you dont need to pay back the companies you own

2. it makes it more efficient because you have other companies making money for you


The Lego Marketing

LO: to explore marketing and promotion of the lego movie 



news paper 

your friends

your family


lego sets 


top trump cards



activity books 

lego movie game

Cards in Sainsburys

Each week in January 2014, a new character poster was released 

Lego stores scheduled linked events

Free accessory packs

Video game release on 4th Febuary

On 7th Febuary Maccies released collectible 30 cups with happy meals

A website enabled fans to versions

Horizontal interegation would help warner bros because they dont have to buy anything because they own it

7;27pm dancing on ice made an ad entirely out of lego

Heart foundation, BT,, Premier inn

It was so successful because they targeted their audience well with ads from social media and in real life

The lego movies 

LO: to evaluate the methods used to market the lego movie

1. thats what the films about

2. to attract people 

1. the beginning where emmet was at home drinking coffee watching tv

2. Lord business says something dodgy on tv

3. emmet realises what he said by saying "hey did he say, put to sleep"


1. so the trailer still hides a lot of the movie

2. so the child wants to watch more of the movie 


1. to make the audience know they are the main characters

2. to make the audience know the main areas

3. to show that they are main characters/side characters


1. its very energetic 

2.its very action pact to introduce the kids

3. to make it energetic


1. to make it dramatic

2. so parents know its half term for kids to watch the movie



explain how the lego movie trailer uses two elements of media language to target different audiences

One element used in the lego movie trailer is the colours of the film trailer. It will appeal to the younger audience because all of the bright variety of colours will lure children and engage them with the film.


Another one is the sound in the movie trailer. For example, the music in the trailer is very energetic such as the way all the characters speak. It will appeal to the younger audience to get them engaged with the film.

LM Video Game

L/O: to explain how the vertical integration benefits companies to analyses using uses and gratification theory 

1. TT games 
2. Warner bros
3. 2019
4. action and adventure
5. 8yrs old
6. Two players can play The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame using two gamepads, or a gamepad and keyboard

1. harry potter
2. batman
3. madacascer
4. sonic
5. spider man

Simultaneous Releases 

1. Profit maximized 
2. Familiarity
3. Extends, Pleasure of the film 
4. Cross - promotion

people would play the game because its entertaining for children because of the action and the bright colours that lure children in

Thursday 24th November


In the LM poster, they have an image of vitruvius in the middle ground. This would appeal to the older generation (grandparents) because the older generation could relate to his old and wise self.This would give old people something to relate to and watch.This could also teach children about elders

In the poster, they have an image of batman. This would appeal to teenagers and adults because of the nostalgia it could bring to both groups as batman has been out for a long time and when adults were kids.They would want to see more of the movie because they know who batman is and what hes like in the films.

In the poster, they have an image of wyldstyle. This would appeal to teenagers and teenage girls because of wyldstyles goth look and her stubborn attitude. This would want them to watch the movie because of her.

Question 6
what is waner bros?
Question 7
i need to understand  vertical and horizontal 
question 8
read the question
Question 9
write more paragraphs

The lego movie poster represents gender. In the poster, they have an image of wyldstyle in the middle ground, this would appeal to teenagers and teenage girls because of wyldstyles goth look, her makeup and her clothes. In the poster they also have emmet in the middle ground, his outfit also applys to gender. Also all of the builders we see in the film are male explaining that this represents gender.

5th December 2023


TV and Radio OFCOM

Advertising ASA

Magazines IPSO 

Video games Video standards council 

Lego movie audience 

young kids

parents of the kids

young cinema goers 15 - 25 

uses and gratification 

P ersonal identity 
it shows this in the lego movie because theres so much characters
I nformation
E ntertainent
S ocial interaction 

1) Genre - action, eplosives, city, police, icongography 

intertextuality batman 


Stereo type

Lord B =wrinkles, old , shouty

Wyldstyle= feminine, lipstick, hair 

emmett = young, dumb, construction worker

Videogame trailer

british heart foundation 



  1. INITIAL RESERACH: good notes

    THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes

    MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood

    VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer


    POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent!
    WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal
    EBI: try to use the terms connotes/connotations


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