Music magazines

 monday 13 march

The music industry:

Music Magazines:

Lo: to explore the magazine industry ownership regulation and revenue 

Conglomerate - A media conglomerate, media group, or media institution is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as music, television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet

Globalised - develop or be developed so as to make international influence or operation possible.

its to develop something worldwide

Diversity - the state of being diverse; variety.

it means variety

Regulation - a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority

an authority 

Revenue - income, especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature.

how much money they make 

Circulation - movement to and fro or around something, especially that of fluid in a closed system.

something that flows 


1) Time inc, IPC Connect

2) Immediate media company

3) H. Bauer Publishing

4) Bauer Media Group

5} Hearst Communications 

6) Conde nast

7} Nat Mags 

8.4% of people still read magazines 

1) over 600

2) MOJo


1) adverts

2) memberships

3) events 

4) live streaming

Monday 27th march 

Music genres

LO: to explain and identify different types of music genres

1. country music = clothes - hat, belt, facial hair, guitar

2. punk music = style - hair color, lots of makeup, 

3. rock music = types of clothes


They sing about sex and girls

They also wear rough clothes like tight jeans, leather jackets and long hair, cowboy hates and bots


guitar based songs, acoustic, trendy clothes, lyrics are about heartbreak 


trendy clothes, mostly lyrics mostly about heartbreak

A boogie:

She ain't never do this before, but she good at it
Said she never made love, but she good at it 

hes explaining that his girlfriend has never made love but shes good at it

Music Industry: Q1 and Q2

LO: to understand exam style questions and practice exam technique 

1) Ofcom

2) BBC

3) Free broadcasting for the public

4) convergence 

5) Diversification

6) conglomerate 

Music radio stations can meet the requirements of public service broadcasting by bringing famous artists to perform live (social interaction). They can also do this by playing fun games with the audience, interacting and entertaining the audience.

Teenage dirtbag:
jocks - sporty boys

Skater boy:
emos - rebellious 

Do Now 

P - Shes gothic
I - 150 reviews 
E - Free CD
S - you can talk to your friends about the reviews, the CD 

Music Industry: Q2
LO: to understand exam style questions and practise exam technique

Its a Free CD so the audience would want to be engaged to read more about the magazine

The music star will attract audience since it could be someone they know 

Music Videos 
Teenage dirtbag

The school hallway
popuar girl 

Sk8er boi

American city - 
more males - when shes in the car and city
goth girl 
their being rebelious, destroying cars and partying on the streets

mise en scene 
Camera shots and angles

The editing in Sk8er boi is very quick, it shows this during the whole music video because of the fast paced cuts and transitions  to the next scene

The editing in Teenage dirtbag is kind of fast but not as quick as Sk8er boi, Teenage dirtbag is more slow paced and we have time to focus on the scene 

Tuesday 26th September


Music industry: Q3

LO: to explore exam style questions and practice exam tech


1) The BBC need to provide a wider range of content because they have to meet the remit by supporting new artists, live music and advice.

2) The Live Lounge has done this by bringing on Stormzy (live music) and making sure the age range for their audience is 15 - 29


Tuesday 10 october

1. mise en scene is setting, clothes

2. editing is 

3. camera work is shot types and angles

4. sound is noise

5. narrative is story


On the mojo magazine cover their is a musician. He looks mysterious due to the cover being in black and white, the cover mentions stuff like "surviving" and "saving his soul",this could mean hes trying to overcome what he was like in the past. Hes looking up to the sky and his face looks serious making him look very mysterious. The cover seems to represent him as a rockstar.

Age is represented on the mojo magazine cover by showing us a middle aged (or older) man by it being more serious and confrontational. It shows this by the cover being in black and white, showing us its a classic (old) and its seriousness. The mid shot reveals his emotions, showing him to be direct and stern. The lexis matches a serious and dark content such as "murder" and "greivers" both linking to death. The colour of the pallete being in red, white and black also shows us this. This represents that when your older life becomes more serious and dangerous.


Do Now

1. Shot type is camera shots at different angles

2. Typeface is the design style of the text that is used

3. Colour palette is the different variety of colours used throught the cover

4. Lexis is the words that are used in the cover lines

5.The name of the magazine 


LO: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam techniques for Q5 focusing on media language and representation 

15 marks judge + conclude

Context - what is going on in the world at the time:

Gender, sexuality, multiculturalism, celebrity culture, consumerism

1. the layout of the magazine is cluttered

2. that it holds loads of context within the magazine 

3. The colour palette is saturated

4. the colour palette of the magazine suggests that it would be women related 

1/2. The layout of the magazine is ordered, this shows that its formal, this is shown in the typeface is a serif font 

3/4. The colour panel is muted, this suggests that its very plain and boring

1/2.  The text is in san sarif, this suggests that the magazine has a bold nature, its modern therefore its up to date music for the audience 

3/4. The use of a muted colour palette in the main cover image is shown, this reflects the realism that the magazine is trying o promote in the music and the artist, making them appear natural and everyday.



1. babyboomer  - a person born years following the second world war 

2. diversification - the process of varying products

3. audience address - how the text speaks to the audience 

4. Discerning - having or showing good judgement

5. house style - a company's preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material

LO: to explore the exam style questions and practise exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation

15 marks = 15 minuites 


Life at the time 

Gender roles - more equality

attitudes to sexuality


celebrity culture


The magazine uses colour palette, pink, purple and white. This suggests that its feminine 
This shows us that compared to the other magazine this one is fun and exciting compared to the other one which is boring since the colour panels are different 

28th November

The media language is used differently in the two magazine covers, because of the generic conventions of the magazines and the audience appeal. The mastheads of the tow magazines are clearly different. Billboard uses lower case letters, yellow, sans serif type. The use of the lower case gives a sense of informality and rebellion as it refuses to use a capital letter for the name of the magazine. The use of the yellow gives a happy and positive mood to the cover. The use of the sans serif font gives a modern clean informal feel to the cover and magazine, The masthead therefore appeals to the audience by giving and overall youthful and up to date version of music.

Media Language

Hand-held camera 
Establishing shot is when it shows the area of where everything is set 

Fast-paced editing

sound effects

Mise en scene:


  1. 19/9- Good analysis of the editing. T: why is the editing different in each, what is the impact?

  2. 21/11- Absent, please attempt the comparison Q5 from the lesson.


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